Sunday, 22 May 2011

Signs of an Unhappy Marriage

Sometimes relationships and marriage slide into crisis. But the quicker one or both of the couple realize the relationship is in jeopardy, the earlier they can take steps to turn things around.

There are some give-away signs that a relationship is in trouble. If your marriage has any of these signs then it’s time to face the facts and take action to save your marriage today. So read through these signs of marital unrest and consider how healthy your marriage is. Do you need to start seeking help?

Time to Talk

Lack of communication is a key cause of marital stress. Marriage is about being a couple and if you start operating as two individual people, not consulting, sharing or planning together, then this is a definite warning sign of trouble ahead.

A Secret Life

If one or both of you keep the truth from each other or fail to share information on who you see, email, text etc. then this secrecy is a signal that all is not well. Happy couples share and don’t hold back.

Too Many Arguments

The obvious sign of unhappiness is frequent bickering. This is particularly evident if the same issues rattle round over and again within arguments, never reaching resolution.

Choosing to Spend Time Away

Happy couples make time for each other. Unhappy couples plan a schedule that takes them away from their spouse, at the expense of time spent together. It’s fine to see family and friends but not if it results in a lack of time with your partner. Making a conscious choice to avoid spending time together is a sign that all is not right.

Lack of Affection

If a couple does not show affection, this has a definite affect on the relationship. Affection is not just about intimacy but also includes hugs, kisses, holding hands etc. A physical display of affection gives your spouse a boost and makes them feel appreciated and loved. The absence of this has the opposite affect and can lead to infidelity.

How did you Rate?

This list isn’t exhaustive but it does enable you to consider how you fare in these categories. If you feel, having assessed your relationship against these signs of marital unhappiness, that you have a problem, all is not lost.
Rather then try to figure it all out yourself, why not take advice from experts who have already helped thousands of people across the globe. Find out how to save your marriage today.