Saturday, 26 March 2011

How do you Discuss Marital Problems?

Finding Out What's Wrong

Discussion of your problems needs to happen at a time and place that is conducive to good communication. This means no distractions and no tight timescales before one of you needs to dash off.

Effective communication is also enhanced by:
  • Being honest but not brutally so - always considering each others feelings as you talk
  • Actively listening to each other
  • Talking in a calm way, without apportioning blame and sticking to the facts as you see them.
  •  Keeping your body language positive; aim to maintain eye contact and even hold hands.
Use your discussion to identify core marital problems.

Putting Things Right

You’ve decided to save your marriage. You’ve discussed what’s gone wrong. The next and hardest step is to work towards a solution. 
There are all sorts of creative ways to move forward. Some simply involve agreeing to put the past behind you. 

For others there needs to be an acceptance of a new start, this may include regular communication, a more positive way of dealing with day-to-day stresses and finding more time for each other.

There is help at hand for those needing assistance in saving a marriage. Understanding useful marriage-saving tips and strategies can play an enormous part in helping to save a marriage that may otherwise have headed for divorce.